b"Feature Softbait rods have their ideal cast weight recommendations placed on the rods.FIGHTING DRAG strengths/lure weights and expectdrag/weight ratings. After years of Its worth noting, some rodto fish every rating properly, thereexperience, rods that cover 1-2-manufacturers are now listing awill be compromises at either end ofline classes are going to be better recommended fight drag instead ofthe range. performers than those that try to max drag to avoid anglers pushingThe last piece of the puzzle iscover more than 2-line classes. This their rod to breaking point.As stated,understanding the max drag a rod isisnt set in concrete, but an example try to match a rods lure weight/linebuilt to handle. A rod that is rated forwould be the Graphcast range of strength to the average of its range.a max drag of 10kg is best suited forblanks made by CD rods. They are Some rods may only be rated withusing a fighting drag range of 7-8kg.rated 4-6kg, 6 -8kg, 8-10kg, 10-one weight, e.g. a P.E 6 stickbait rodThere is some extra in reserve should12kg and 12-15kg. They are made or a 24kg game rod. In some waysit be needed but that's not where theto suit 2-line classes and have had these single rated rods are oftenrod is best fished. The drag set ona legendary reputation amongst a more refined because they havethe reel is usually a third of the linesgroup of specialised anglers-salmon been built to perform to a single linerating. In the example just used, afishers and Aussie rock fishers in class and you can confidently use itdrag of 7-8kg is for fishing 24kg lineparticular. Keep this principle in mind knowing there wont be any nastyor approximately P.E 5 line (if it wasthe next time you are looking at rods surprises. The wider a rods rangerated at 50lb breaking strain). with 12-line classes, it usually means of a particular metric, the harder itOver the years I have often wantedyou will get a rod that performs very can be to know how it will perform.to get the best value out of mywell for its rating. Choosing the right It will simply be a matter of trial andgear and tried to use one outfit forrod for the job will mean you get the error. I would not recommend buyingmultiple uses. This usually meansmost out of your rig and fishing even rods with a very wide range of linechoosing rods that have multiple line/ more enjoyable.28FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"