b'HUNTING The stunning plumage of the cock pheasant is a key factor on why they are considered a trophy game bird.Remember if you switch to uplandwalking the coastal dunes in flax and Top Tip game for pheasant or quail, to changelupin where the birds hold tight.It is out your steel cartridges for lead.I hunta good idea to get out of the maimai INSECT REPELLENTpheasant using #6 shot and Winchesterwhen the action dies around midday and FOR MAIMAIand Gamebore shellsstretch your legs walking for pheasants.Spending a long timeare my go-to cartridges,I have been chasing pheasant since in damp conditions inthese have proven a gooda teen and was taken by my late a maimai on ponds andmatch with my Winchestergrandfather Alby Pattinson on cold swamps attracts bitingSX4 12 gauge. winter days looking for the birds.Having insects.This year has seenIf the day is wet andbeen a builder and farmer for many years a record amount of insectwindy and obviously ain the Dargaville area, he was fortunate repellent sold by reportsgood time for the maimaimany farmers knew him and allowed from Bushmans due toand nailing ducks, it is alsoaccess to their farms.insect populations booming. a top day for pheasantGetting access to be able to hunt Make sure you take in yourhunting as the birds will sitis getting harder for many game bird pack heavier 80% deet withvery tight feeding and oftenhunters, if you are fortunate to have water resistant protection forflush remarkably close to yougood places to enjoy, then make sure you the bugs! in front of your dog.Someget out over the short season as often as of our best pheasant huntingyou can to make use of the limited time.has been on miserable daysGood luck and safe hunting.FIGZ96FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'