b'SAFETYHYPOTHERMIA RISK been saved with the victim swimming toEPIRB & COMMUNICATIONSIts worth noting here that even inshore or found clinging to an empty fuelThe EPIRB is often an item sadly summer the water temperature aroundtote tank. neglected by trailer boat owners, but this New Zealands coastline ranges from 14Cshould not be. Today an effective EPIRB to 18C and the human body functionsFLARES A MUST HAVE can cost as little as $500. EPIRB signals normally at 37C. If the body temperatureFlares of course are another must-havecan be picked up by passing aircraft and changes 4C either way, problems begin,item aboard any trailer boat and can bewill help to pinpoint your position for and even in a water temperature of 20C,bought singly or in handy waterproofwould-be rescuers.survival time for a swimmer is likely to bepacks. If you are going to stow themThe VHF radio is another must-have less than three hours. away somewhere, make certain everyoneitem, be it a handheld or fixed unit and At 10C paralysis sets in within 15aboard knows where they are and thatthis can be complemented by a mobile minutes and death follows when the bodythey are readily accessible. Even if thephone, which today provides reasonable temperature drops to 29C. Generallyboat is upside down you should have acoverage in most major boating areas. speaking a fit average adult in the watergood chance of retrieving the flares ifAs the saltwater and mobile phones between 15C and 20C and whoseyou know where to find them. A tip is todont mix, keep your phone in a plastic swimming ability is reasonable would beattach the waterproof container to a longbag, or better still a specially designed advised to swim for it. In all other cases, alanyard, so if it floats away from the boatwaterproof cover.buoyancy aid offers the only real chancethen you dont have to swim after it, aThere are plenty of VHF brands to pick of survival. move that may prove fatal. Its also a goodfrom and they vary in price from less than Its a good idea, too, to carry a fewidea to read the instructions when you get$400 depending on features and benefits. other non-personal flotation devices, e.g.them and regularly check the expiry dateAlso remember if you have an electrical closed cell foam seat squabs and cushions,and condition. Old flares that dont workfire then your fixed mounted VHF will polyethylene foam fenders. Lives haveare no good to anyone! probably no longer work, so no mayday 66FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'