b'HUNTINGThe writer uses quality and trusted Winchester Super X Waterfowl steel shells when duck shooting.The writer uses quality and trusted Winchester Super X Waterfowl steel shells when duck shooting.T he start of May is onegreat hunting in this country and it is faroffers great mallard, grey and paradise of the biggest huntingsafer than many other activities as Kiwiduck hunting when shooting over water.events on the calendarhunters are typically very careful withWhile the upland game bird hunting with hundreds offirearm safety. provides some of the best available for thousands of game birdpheasant and Californian quail.These hunters getting up atGAME BIRD SPECIES birds that we shoot are the ultimate for the crack of dawn toEach region around Godzone has bagthe table and therefore more time is sneak into their maimaislimits for different species such as,spent walking the hills and back country or hides for opening weekend. mallard, paradise, grey, shoveler, blackwith a gun dog looking for them.It is a steeped in tradition, withswan, pukeko, quail and pheasant. There is one bird I would love to see many families duck hunters over manyCanadian geese are also a wantedmore frequently but we just dont seem generations and hunters return from asbird which have been removed fromto have as many in our region is the far away as Australia to catch-up andthe seasonal limits as their numbersshoveler.These cool game birds offer a spend time with friends and family. have become pest level, so can bechallenge being smaller and quicker on Hunting is a sport that brings peoplehunted year-round. the wing than mallards, and the spoonie together to enjoy the outdoors ofIn the Kaipara/Northland region wheredrake rivals the cock pheasant for title of Godzone, we are fortunate to have suchI return to hunt in my home town, itthe best-looking game bird.90FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'