b"THE SOUNDSFIRST DAY JIGGING 15 to 20m of water. The fishing waslanded a few more fish, we decided to The next morning, we woke up to ahowever slow with a lot of slightlyhead back to our bach as the wind had windy and gusty day. After checkingundersized cod having to be returnedcontinued to increase and it was going the Windy app we decided to waitbut after quite a few changes of jigs, Ito be a rough and bumpy return trip.until the mid-morning, hoping thefinally found the magic formula using a wind would die down as forecasted.40gm red/orange jig, with an orange/ SECOND DAYAfter rowing out to the mooring andneon skirt with a couple of tasty, saltedSunday morning, we again woke to loading up the boat, we headed downsquid morsels attached to the hooks. the dawn chorus of the native birds a very gusty Queen Charlotte into theThe jig hit the bottom and I slowlyin our bay and during our breakfast, Tory Channel, finally finding limitedwound up, you could feel and seewe checked the forecast, and it was shelter for fishing in Maraetai Bay bythe incredibly sensitive tip of the rodgoing to be a typical autumn day in Tikimaeroero Point to target blue cod inmoving more frantically as the blue codthe Sounds, cool, overcast and no about 15 to 20m. aggressively attacked the lure and onewind, the perfect day to explore outer After setting the anchor and waitingfinally struck hard and the rod bentQueen Charlotte. After rowing out to for the boat to settle, I was lookingsmoothly towards the water. Given howthe mooring, and then loading up the forward to being able to use my Daiwalight the reel and rod are, it just neededboat for the day's adventure, we then Viento baitcaster reel on a recentlya quick flick for a smooth lift and windheaded out past the beautiful Bay of purchased TD Black Kohga 66HB Rod,in. I was really impressed how both theMany Coves, past the historic Blue Mine as it was set up for jigs from 40 toreel and rod worked together as I finallyIsland and on and out to Motuara Island 120gm and should be ideal with thelanded a fat legal blue cod. After we hadto check out some new potential future 34FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023"