b'KINGFISHLIVE BAIT ATTACK what I was hollering about.He put thethe stroppy haku.The fish was kept for Mike took over the helm and used theMercury into neutral as the kingfishthe smoker and when measured on the handy Mercury Vessel Control featurestarted to attack its lunch on the surfaceU-DEK measure it was just over a metre, to set the trolling speed as he engagedwith vigorous splashing about 25ft fromand a solid 12-13kg fish.Looking at the the outboard in just 8m and started tothe boat.After several attempts, wevideo action later that day and when drive away slowly keeping parallel to thewere soon hooked up andstopped thethe Go-Pro was under water, we could rocks, while I deployed the live bait.Ikingfish from getting us into the rockssee another second fish of similar size was focusing on feeding the line out andby manoeuvring over the fish, while Ihanging out with his hooked mate during looked back to Mike for a moment and asput the brakes on the Accurate and wethe fight.I turned back to see where the kahawaidragged it out into deeper water.Such a quick take is surprisingly was when I saw a large green and yellowMike was doing a good job of filmingcommon and we have had many similar shape alongside it! the action on the Go-Pro whileencounters and when you pick the right Whoaa Mike!I yelled out and asskippering the boat and had to putspot to slow troll your live baits, they we had hardly gone 20m, he wondereddown the camera to leader and gafftend to get noticed quickly.14FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'