b'fishing spots, but after a very slow andas the fish neared the surface, I had disappointing morning prospectinghooked two cod. Unfortunately, this several new fishing sites we packed upwas to turn to disappointment when I and headed to the head of Endeavourmeasured them, being both just 1cm Inlet to Furneaux Lodge Restaurant andshort of the legal size of 33 cm and Bar for lunch. having to return both of them.After lunch, we had a short 15-minuteAgain, the fishing was slow, and it was ride to nearby Tawa Bay to fish.Thisnow late afternoon after we had landed time I decided to go with the 28gmtwo more legal blue cod. The weather Beady Eye Catch Kabura as I was castingwas about to change so we decided to out into 15m of water over some rockymove to one of our previous marked and weedy ground. After numerousspots for one last fishing session, before casts, the flicking of the rod tip from thehaving to head back. It was another aggressive blue cod bites stopped and15 minutes trip to our spot around the the rod loaded up as I applied a slowback of Blue Mine Island. You could but steady winding, but to my surprisenow sense and feel the rapid change in the weather as we dropped our lines, but shortly after arriving at our spot, the weather finally changed with a dark and thunderous cloud along with light rain, and unfortunately our time at this fishing spot had ended. It was time to up anchor and head back to the bach While jiggingto enjoy our last night and fresh fish for the fishing wasdinner, along with a few cold beers.slow until smallOn our final day of the Easter pieces of squid were attached toweekend, we were woken to the sound the hooks to helpof rain, and after packing up all our gear, create interest. we were very lucky to get a break in the weather, and it was time to quickly head back to the Waikawa Bay boat ramp, put the boat on the trailer and start the long drive home.What a great weekend to enjoy a small slice of the Marlborough Sounds Fishing around mussel farms inand with so much to see, explore and the Sounds can help anglers catchfish, we will be back for many more snapper and cod. Photo credit:adventures in this wonderful partDestination Marlborough of Godzone.FIGZThe beautiful Bay of Many Coves is a popular stop for boaties. Photo credit: Destination Marlborough /FISHINGINGODZONE35'