b'SPEARFISHINGDan with his first ever kingfish taken on a rollergun.T he most significantrollerguns for years. The complicatedUntil a day out at the Mokahinaus advances have beendesign, materials and the technologywhere my old faithful single banded in equipment and inrequired to manufacture them made theserailgun rubber snapped and all that was more recent years, theguns previously challenging to distributeonboard was a new Freedivers rollergun. development of thehowever they are now readily accessibleCautiously I picked it up to take the speargun. From gasand one of the most sought afterrollergun for a spin, the results speak for powered spearguns andspearguns on the market. themselves, and I have never looked back.Hawaiian slings throughHaving spent much of my lifeSo, what is a roller speargun and how to the development of the railgun,spearfishing with a simple rubber banddoes it differ from your normal speargun?spearguns have come in leaps andpowered railgun, I couldnt understand theYour normal or traditional gun is bounds and with so many different typesobsession with such a complicated pieceincredibly simple and has only been on the market it is more difficult thanof kit, kicker bands, ball bearing rollers,slightly modified over the years. This ever to decide on the right gun. massive, long rubbers that stretch thetype of gun has a muzzle that 12, 14, length of the gun, load assists and more,16 or 18mm rubber passes through or ROLLER SPEARGUN I wanted no part in that. I like to keep itscrews into. The rubber is joined in the Enter, the roller speargun. Some believesimple when spearfishing and this setupcentre with a short length of dyneema this speargun design is new to the market,sounded far from it so although the oddcalled a bridle or wishbone, this is what however the Europeans who are leaderstrip to Ocean Hunter they would catch myloads the shaft, the more bands the great in the spearfishing world, have usedinterest, I kept the gun at arms lengths. the power.38FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'