b'T H E R M A L I M A G I N G T H E R M A L I M A G I N G T H E R M A L I M A G I N G T H E R -HUNTING The deer had probably wised up and werent coming out as much during daylight hours, so they invested in night vision to up their game.E S S E N T I A L F O R T H E M O D E R N H U N T E Rdual field of view (FOV), digital zoom and hot spot tracking.It was impressive with upCapture superb imagery with Infirays 12m high-sensitivity to 1800m detection range, as we could seedetectors offering great contrast even in severe weathersmall rabbits in complete darkness hundredswith low temperatures, rain and fog.of metres away.If you can see such small targets as rabbits,Designed for use either night or day, across all seasons. With OLEDI was eager to see how well it would go onor HD AMOLED displays Infirays unrivaled display resolution provides deer or pigs.When talking to another clientprecision and clarity to enable you to easily identify your game target.about the amazing thermal technology in early March the chance came to do just that.SOUTH HEAD HUNTCraig Jenkins from Zeropak is a good client and friend who like myself, loves getting outdoors in Godzone to go fishing and hunting.Craig was fortunate to haveI A O O U F N N F I R A Y A S R E S Y M N C L H R T L A M R I Iaccess to a privately owned farm on South Kaipara to hunt for fallow to help keep theirFH35R MONOCULAR // TD50L NIGHT VISION //numbers down on the working beef and sheep farm.These deer would come out from Woodhill+ 640512 Detector Resolution+ 1440 1080 Detector Resolution Forest and especially at night in large+ 1024 x 768 Micro-OLED display + 1280 x 960 LCOS displaynumbers to feed on the lush pasture at the+ 800m laser rangefinder + 4 - 16x Magnificationback of the farm.Craig and his Coopers+ 1818m Detection range+ 600m Detection range The InfiRay TD50L night visionBeach neighbour Ian, were planning another+ With rangefinder functionality + Powerful night vision opticH unting in the darkscope on the writers .308 Browning. two-day hunt and kindly asked me along. $5299 $1999doesnt appeal to many Kiwi hunters and I have never been convinced of trying either, but if you read my article in the previous issue about the thermal imaging products I tested when pest hunting, you would know I am a converted fan. AL19 AFFO // ZH38 MONOCULAR //Spika have released the InfiRay range of quality thermal imaging products which we have been lucky to take out in the+ 384288 Detector Resolution+ 640512 Detector Resolution field to use.These infrared detectors,+ 640 x 400 OLED display + 1440 x 1080 OLED displaythermal camera cores and modules,+ 1x/2x/4x Digital Zoom + 1.6x ~ 12.8x Optical Magnificationthermal cameras and imagers for terminal+ 986m Detection range+ 987 / 1974m Detection range applications are InfiRays core products+ High performance, compact + Dual field-of-view designwhich are sold worldwide. $2299 $6250In the previous story, we used their ZH38 Thermal Monocular to find rabbits and possums, with its zoom monocular 1440 x 1080 high display resolution withCraig helps to sight the night vision scope in. Learn more at your local outdoor store or follow us onYouTube and social for up to date footage & tutorials:DISTRIBUTED BYinfirayoptics.co.nz @infirayoptics_nz80FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'