b"LAND-BASEDOverhead or spin, shorter or longer rods, mono or braid? They all have a place on the rocks depending on where you fish and what you are targeting.LONGER OR SHORTER RODS big boys, this 86 2-piece CD Rods blankIs there any advantage in using shorter Longer rods are an advantage from theis still long enough for many locations. (under 8ft) rods on the rocks? When rocks compared to boat fishing rods. The nature of rock fishing is that youretargeting kingfish on 24-37kg line my Using shorter 6-7ft boat rods in locationsfishing the edge where the land meetsrods have grown shorter over the years, where there is little swell works but oncethe sea and dragging fish up the rocksfrom 8ft lengths down to 76 and now you are fishing ledges that are steep withmeans there is always a chance of thejust 7ft. With some care and skill, 7ft rods swell racing up the faces, then longer rodsline cutting off. Longer rods help youused when fighting kings are still long are more practical and safer by helpingto navigate around obstacles especiallyenough to deliver the goods by keeping keep the line out of harm's way. when the swell is heavy. It means fewerthe fish away from the rocky edge and A longer rod can also give you morelost fish and fewer snags or lost gear.aremore comfortable to fish with. I control over fish at the landing stage ofLonger rods obviously use more materialhavent lost any kingfish in situations the fight. I like using 10ft rods with spinin production so can be more expensivewhere a longer rod would have made gear for the east coast ledges, but 12ftand require more care when transporting,a difference, so will keep using the 7ft rods tend to be better for those ruggedwhether it is walking through the bushcombo.The other advantage is it hasnt west coast spots. The exception to thisto your spot or when getting in and outmade it awkward trying to bush bash with is my 15kg overhead rig for targeting theof vehicles. a longer rod that doesnt break down.24FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023"