b'Small PLBs (Personal Locatorcall can be sent. After this its the EPIRB, aRemember that petrol can flash at any Beacons) such as this Rescue Mecellphone or a handheld VHF. temperature, diesel at 66C and most oils model can attached to your PFDOne piece of equipment that shouldat 232C. The only real answer to a fire (Personal Floatation Device). be on the safety list for situations suchat sea is to prevent it happening. That as these, is a good pair of binoculars.means regular inspection, maintenance, Chances are youll see your rescuersand cleaning of the electrical and fuel before they see you, and you can thensystems. Most of todays high-tech make sure they know where you areoutboards and stern drives dont have by repeating your signal, firing anothercarburettors anymore so the risk of a flare, etc. flashback fire is exceedingly low. Also, Flashing strobe lights are great signallingthe wiring looms are such that electrical devices both during the day and at nightfires in new trailer boats are also very and even something shiny that catchesrare. However, they do happen and it the reflection of the sun that can attractpays to be ready just in case, especially if the attention of a passing vessel is a goodyou have an older boat, with wiring that safety item. All you need is one thing thatmay be a little suspect.can attract attention to your predicament and theres little likelihood of your lifeBUCKET OR BILGE PUMPbeing in danger. The old saying is that there is no better answer to water coming aboard in FIRE PREVENTION sufficient quantity to threaten the Fire is probably the worst that canboat, than a frightened man with a happen at sea because so much usedbucket. However, wielding a bucket or in the construction and equipping ofeven a manual bilge pump is physically the boat is flammable. It also happensexhausting and wont shift the 10000 suddenly and so it is essential that actionlitres an hour likely to be needed to keep is taken immediately and that it is thea holed boat of average size afloat. Bilge right action. A fine spray of water can bepumps are the answer and while they effective against an electrical fire, butare standard in all CPC classified trailer dont throw water on a petrol or galleyboats, they are surprisingly still an option fire. Keep a foam, dry powder, or CO2 firein many. A 1000 - 1250 gph (4540 - extinguisher in the cockpit and not in the5675 litres/hour) bilge pump for example cabin where it may not be easily reached.can be purchased for around $100.Wormald and Chubb both produce a niceIf you are going boating then take the compact unit for around $50. Ideally ittime to check you are carrying the safety should have a minimum capacity of 1kgessentials. In the long run, it may be your and come with a plastic mounting bracket. own life that you save!FIGZTOP: EPIRB signals help to pinpoint your position for rescuers and make sure you check the batteries often.A working VHF is a vital communication tool that should beFire is a risk and keep a foam, on trailer boats. dry powder, or CO2 fire extinguisher in the cockpit. /FISHINGINGODZONE67'