b'FOXTON BEACH The new Workmate 575 powered by a Suzuki 115hp was taken on a road trip to Foxton.T his year we decided on Foxton Beach and going out at the mouth of the Manawatu River. I had recently sponsored a quad series fishing contest and got to know the fishing convener Jude Moxom. I was impressed by the passion and commitment of the local boating community there, the excellent facilities on offer and the apparent abundant fishing to be had. The only slightly intimidating factor was the infamous Manawatu River bar.NEW SURTEESGrant had recently upgraded his trusty 495 Surtees Workmate to its bigger brother the 575 hardtop. The boat had been christened Mr Happy in honour of his sunny disposition. With the new hardtop and the shiny Suzuki 115hp four stroke, we felt it was the perfect vessel for such a mission across a potentiallyLaunching in the Manawatu River treacherous west coast bar. to negotiate the notorious bar.56FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023'