b"FOXTON BEACH minutes, then move somewhere else. Good sound advice without giving much away I thought.After waiting for the appropriate time, we successfully launched the boat, navigated the submerged trees, the flooded gravy coloured water that hits you side on and all the surfcasters lines that seemed to flow across the ramp.We followed the channel down to the river mouth and decided to follow a local boat out to watch them tackle the bar.However, they stopped short and started fishing inside the river mouth, bugger.WATCHING THE BARWhile we sat there for a bit watching the swells and getting our timing right, we called up Muzza on Foxton Sport Radio to let him know we were tackling the bar. We spotted a break in the surf and went for it, but it soon disappeared on us, so we picked our way over, around and through a few big swells with white caps on the top.We kept about 6-7 fish and threw twice as many back Grant hooked up to a bigwhich were unharmed and fish on the lightweight OK Benda2. healthy to release. We could BELOW: The big 77cmhave easily caught our limit snapper came up from 40m and after trying toof 20 snapper, but there was release it, the spentno need.fish was kept.We arrived in Foxton the previous night and conditions wouldn't have been described as ideal, so we drove down to the boating club which is located on the river a couple of kilometres up from the river mouth. It is a modern building with large clubrooms, sunny deck, housing the local Coastguard, with two well graded ramps, a floating jetty in between and large parking area with washdown facilities.We met Jude and she grabbed the local Coastguard chief who happened by and after an impromptu meeting we decided to take their advice. We would wait for three hours after the low tide, to give ourselves the best opportunity to tackle the bar safely.I enquired, So assuming we make it safely out over the bar then what?Jude advised, Just go anywhere first and stop fishing if you haven't got a bite in 20 58FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2023"