b'Hunting CZ 457 SERIESA NEW GENERATION OFMODERN RIMFIRE RIFLESCZ 457 CAMO STAINLESS .22LRBOLT I .22LR I SOFT-TOUCH DIGITAL CAMO I 20" I 5 I 5.3CZ 457 MTR .17HMRBOLT I .17HMR OR .22LRI PREMIUM WALNUT I20.5" I BLUED I 5 I 5.6CZ 457 ROYAL .17HMRBOLT I .17HMR OR .22LR OR .22WMR I PREMIUMWALNUT I 16" I BLUED I 5 I 5.9CZ 457 THUMBHOLE .22LRBOLT I .22LR I LAMINATED THUMBHOLE I 16" I 5 I 7Nailing a young spiker with his reloaded projectiles was very satisfying.HUNTING TESTand I saw him tumble into a small bushUnderstanding ballistics and reloading will The following week and I was too ampedpocket and that was him done. help you become a better hunter.not to go hunting and put my reloadEven though it was only a small spiker, to ammo to the ultimate field test.I wasme this was a great moment in my hunting getting low on meat in the freezer andprogression and has brought another although as much as 99% of my huntingawesome element to my hunting.is about the journey and getting out inI have since played around with some the outdoors, Id be lying to say that myheavier grain high BC projectiles that main goal for this trip wasnt about pullingare giving me a bit more of an advantage the trigger. at longer distances without losing too I was lucky enough to gain access to amuch velocity and impact energy.They private block and the plan was set. Sinceshoot amazing and Im now shooting a this article is based around reloading, so I3-inch 5 shot group at 500 yards which I will just skip to the chase. I had managedcouldnt have even dreamed about when to find a fallow spiker in very goodfirst starting out. This gives me a lot of condition. He was feeding in and out of aconfidence and I know the bullet is going few clearings and scrubby patches. I had ato hit exactly where I place it. A few more perfect rest with all the time in the world,deer have since been shot including a he then fed into the open and I lined upcouple of stags at varied ranges and all at 250 yards. I took a breath and sent thehave been one shot kills.Im excited to shot. It was a good hit just behind thecontinue down this reloading path and shoulder and the spiker took off downhillexpand my knowledge of ballistics to and dead on his feet. Within about 20mbecome a better hunter.FIGZ90FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023'