b"Feature Sailing yachts moored out off the reef with Niue a popular destination.Top 10Here are our top 10 reasons to visit Niue Island1.So close to home, just over three hours from Auckland.2.The exchange rate, its all in NZ dollars, and credit cards, EFTPOS accepted widely.3.Arrive as a visitor and leave as a friend.With a population of around 1600, you will know half the island in no time.4.The things Niue doesnt have is what makes it so special - no crime, no traffic lights, no queues, and no crowds.A dogtooth tuna was5.Totally unique geography.high on the bucket list for the writer whichBecause Niue is a raised coral required a deeper dive. atoll, it has caves and coastlines like no other Pacific Island.Heading out to one of BJs favouritewas in their territory and they needed to6.Gin clear water because there is dogtooth holes it was all or nothing andcome and take a closer look. no runoff from rivers and streams, we prayed to the fishing gods that weI slowly began finning down towardsNiues water is incredibly clear could get a spear into one. Arriving at thethem, closing the gap, while lining up thewith visibility over 80m, with spot we immediately began cubing theclosest fish I pulled the trigger hittingsome of the best snorkeling and water and dropped our flashers downit perfectly in the shoulder, fish on, butscuba diving in the world.in the hope of enticing a dogtooth outthe job was only half done. I now had7.Unmatched walks, from virgin of the depths. During the day they live26m to ascend, heart pumping, the mostrainforest and dramatic caves to down deep and come up to the shallowsdangerous part of the dive.I tried to stayrugged coastlines, spectacular in the evening and early morning to feed,calm as my float line whipped past me atviews and swimming coves, the this is the best time to spear them. a rate of knots. Getting to the surface Iwell-maintained tracks range Soon a few pups came around andtook a series of recovery breaths to makefrom 5 minutes to 5 hours.we were feeling confident that a biggersure I was feeling good and then got on8.Once in a lifetime experiences.model would turn up. It was then thatwith the fight. The floats tore off aroundNiue is one of the only places I saw the shine of white down deep,the ocean but with the right gear and ain the world you can swim with barely in sight. Two large doggiessolid holding shot it wasn't long beforethe whales, as well as the local were slowly cruising by, obviously notI had the fish under control and on thespinner dolphins.convinced that feeding at the cubesurface, mission accomplished!trail was a safe option. Breathing up IWith the sun setting on another9.Fishing heaven.The fish life is began my ascent 5, 10, 15m with myincredible Niue trip, we headed backprolific and game fishing takes chin tucked to my chest to help within for a special seared dogtooth dishplace just 100m from shore.equalizing I knew I was going straightaccompanied with a few beers and a plan10. There is so much to do you wont down and hoped that I would spark theirto return before jumping on the planesit still for long here, with so interest.When I reached 20m it wasback home the next morning. much to do both in the water and at this point that I leveled out, whenThanks to BJ and Ness from Fish Niueon the land.diving in clear blue water it's importantCharters, Explore Niue, and Tuaga Lodge to know your limits and I was nearly atfor an incredible time on the Rock. Be sureVisit: www.niueisland.commine, looking ahead the tuna had cometo contact them for your next Niue fishing into view as my technique had worked, Iand spearfishing adventures.FIGZ56FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023"