b'FeatureFour-blade props usually have a lowermore horsepower, in order to achieve3-blade, thereby, effectively closing the pitch to keep the rpms the same as athe same rpm. Since the horsepower isgap presented by the pitch differential.3-blade. But are 4-Blades actually slow? limited, the rpms drop, and the speed willAs we have learned more about what So, why might a 4-blade generally betend to drop with it. This is why, whenmakes a propeller work and not work, slower than its 3-blade counterpart? Togoing from a 3-blade to a 4-blade, theand about how boats and motors perform be honest, many 3-blade/4-blade speedpitch is dropped an inch, or more, in orderand do not perform, we have designed comparisons are simply not fair. Thatto keep rpm parity. It is this differencepropellers that address the inherent is because the respective propellersin pitch that causes any potential speedstrengths and weaknesses of each of in question are simply different styles,differentials between the 3-blade andthese respective pieces of the puzzle. designed with different purposesthe four. These designs have become even more in minddifferent diameters, rakes,important as increasingly specialised boat cupping, and blade shapes. 3-BLADESdesigns and motor trends have entered If, however, for comparison purposes,Three-blade props can take a biggerthe marketplace and as new trends and we take two propellers, identical inbite but have their limitations.As toeconomic challenges arise.design (blade shape, diameter, rake, cup,any actual speed loss between theAll that said, the most important etc.) that are appropriate for a giventwo, in many cases, it is actually quitepart of the equation remains is what application, and simply add a propellersmall (generally 1-3mph). The reason is,is your performance expectation and blade, we get a truer representation ofalthough the 4-blade is one-inch lowersatisfaction. So, the goal is to match just where the difference lies. in pitch, it runs more efficiently than itsthe propeller to the boat, motor, and The addition of the extra blade causes3-blade competitor, allowing it to runas always, having the right tool for the increased drag, which, in turn, requirescloser to its theoretical speed than theright job.FIGZ68FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023'