b'FeatureUltimate Charters skipper Mike Trail hooks up and recorded solid winter fishing around the top of the Coromandel with decent T he El Nina weatherULTIMATE CHARTERS Bay and Mangawhai, there were some pilchard schools attracting predators.patterns from 2020This winter saw a return of coolerhealthy concentrations of this yummy to the end of 2022winter water temperatures to thefodder in the middle of winter.brought more north- Gulf as well as some particularly goodNot only that but on charter trips easterly winds andfishing, notes Ultimate Charters skipper,they encountered prime sized snapper higher rainfall for theMike Trail. One stint in early Augustaround 70cm. Mike reported four heavy north-eastern part ofstood out for the length and intensityfish being landed over several charters the country. This alsoof workups off the top of Coromandel.close together as well as the usual good meant milder wintersMike noted that the schools of baiteating-sized fish. Whales were also and warmer waters in the Hauraki Gulf.fish getting slaughtered by dolphinspresent and feasting for longer than Warmer water in the Gulf over winter maywere pilchards and there was quiteusual periods of time. The lure doing seem like a positive thing for fishing as itan abundance of bait which wasthe most damage on the bigger fish was brought more activity but its not reallyunusual for this time of year. Whilstthe Ocean Angler G-Bombs, using a that healthy for the overall food chain andyou normally see the influx of pilchardJelly Babies skirt helped give the lure a long-term health of the ecosystem. schools in early spring around Breambigger profile.22FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023'