b"The Stabicraft 6.3m with Yamaha 115hp charter boat offers early morning or afternoon trips.W ith only a feworiginal fishing operators on the island,BLUE WATER GEARdays up myBJ is one of the most knowledgeableWith a rough plan confirmed we headed sleeve and on awhen it comes to targeting speciesoff to the Vaiolama Caf for an early limited budget,by spear in Niue. With multiple islanddinner while we looked out over the the optionsrecords under his belt and his extensivePacific and dined on freshly caught dwindled to theknowledge, it was an easy choice towahoo. Returning to our accommodation South Pacific. head out with him. for the night we rigged gear, checked However, withMeeting at his accommodation blockknots, and ensured everything was top over 30,000 islands scattered across theTuaga Lodge, we discussed the week'snotch. With the potential of shooting South Pacific it is hard to choose justplan for blue water spearing, withthe fish of a lifetime, there is no room one spot for a holiday but being onlywahoo and dogtooth tuna on the radar.for inferior quality gear. Our blue water three hours away, and with gin clearOur week would be split up betweensetup was made up of 130cm wooden water Niue seemed like the best option. morning trips and evening trips, startingRiffe guns and fresh heavy duty dyneema, There are a handful of operators on theat 5am with afternoon trips from 1pm.the business end was an 8mm stainless island for fishing but when it comes toWhen you head to Niue its important toRiffe shaft or a slip tip. Using a 30m Riffe spearfishing it is important to go with abe flexible, island time is alive and wellblue water bungee would hopefully stop charter that understands spearos needs.in Niue so 1pm could be 12pm or eventhe spears from ripping out and two Riffe For this trip we headed out with BJ2pm, but dont get too caught up on this3 atmosphere floats would stop the fish from Fish Niue Charters. As one of theas youre on holiday after all! from running into the depths. /FISHINGINGODZONE49"