b'HuntingThe writer in a bid to become an even more accomplished hunter, has expanded his knowledge on ballistics by reloading ammunition.BALLISTICS RESEARCH money with factory loads and if it groupedFIRST ATTEMPTWith limited budget, Id managed to pickwell when practising on the range, thenThe first load I developed myself was very up a second hand set up with a RockId stick with it. That was about as muchexciting however also very daunting. I Chucker 2 single stage press which alsothought as I put into my bullet choice backfollowed every step very cautiously to the came with some powder, primers and 30calthen and I would shoot deer out to 200mpoint where I think I may have checked projectiles. I then purchased some Hornadyand that would be it. The animal wouldevery powder weight about three times308 dies and now had everything I neededeither fall over or it wouldnt. If it ran away,The seating of the projectile was a very to get started. it was obviously a bad shot on my part. Isatisfying step to see that final stage come I had been following one of the main NZhave since learnt a lot about the sciencetogether with a completed bullet.hunting forums for a while and looking atof ballistics regarding bullet weights,I set up my targets at 100 yards and I the ballistics and reloading section to getprojectiles, and their intended uses. chambered my first round. There was a some pointers. I was also fortunate to haveI had only recently just set up a new riflemix of emotions, as I was very excited but a good contact who was an experiencedwhich I would be loading ammunitionalso quietly praying that it didnt blow up. reloader, who helped show me the ropes ofto use with, a Bergara Extreme HunterI knew I had done everything in the safest getting started. .308 with a factory 18 barrel and a DPTmanner possible so was sure the projectile The more I got into it, the more I realisedsuppressor on the end. The scope mountedwould be true.that I knew very little regarding projectileon the barrel is a Swarovski z5 3.5-18x44Bang!I fired and checked all arms and choice and ballistics. Over the many yearswith a dial up turret.This was going to belegs were still intact, and my gun was of hunting and buying factory ammo offmy one and only do it all rifle from bushfine so a good result. The bullet had hit the shelf, Id get what was good value forhunting, to slips and open tops or farmland. not far from where I had aimed, it ended 88FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023'