b"Jumping in at FAD number two webeer, Steinlager. Some may disagree but immediately spotted wahoo and big ones! not needing to deal with your fish back at They were down deep and cagey, theyour accommodation is ideal, the skipper current was a lot stronger here and thissorts out your fish and then you have was what made all the difference, schoolssome to take back to your accommodation of rainbow runner cruised through withwithout the hassle of dealing with and the odd solo wahoo seen drifting in anddisposing of fish frames in a hot climate.out of view.With BJ dropping chunks of berley in the water it wasnt long beforeDOGGIE TIMEwe had created quite the stir and we hadWith the week getting on and several wahoo, mahimahi and rainbow runner,species under our belt, we were still to darting in and out of the chum trail. tick off one that we had really come for, With this commotion we were hoping tothe dogtooth. Dogtooth tuna are one entice a yellowfin, sailfish or even a blueof the most powerful fish in the sea, marlin however this didnt eventuate, andshooting one is likened to standing on the we went home with a nice feed of mahi,highway lassoing a car and then trying to wahoo and rainbow runner. The rest ofstop it, sounds like fun?Our afternoonDiningthe week continued much the same, sleepsessions had been unsuccessful, and we eat, dive and repeat. The islands charterhad seen a few but they had been down policy is that the catch stays with theat un-diveable depths for your averageVaiolama Caf served boat, however the skipper usually allowsspearo, and they had managed to eludea special dish of lightly you to take a piece home with you andus all week. With one more Saturday so most evenings we had fresh sashimiafternoon up our sleeve, we decided toseared tuna.washed down with the island's specialtyhead out for one last attempt for a doggie.Humpback whales are common in Niue where it is allowed to swim near them, an amazing experience. /FISHINGINGODZONE55"