b'Report Launching at the large and well-appointed Sulphur Point ramp in Tauranga is free for boaties.I must point out that this is the highestfishing and boating.The Coromandel isand other harbour issues.Bob advised, launching fee of any region we havefamously renown for its access to boatingthe local Royal Billy Point ramp was experienced, when many of the otherand fishing, while getting there now isco-funded by residents rates many regions we fish from Tauranga in the Bayunfortunately more difficult with the roadmoons ago and the increase in launching of Plenty to Mangawhai in Northlandaccess a major issue after the weatherfees doesnt help to clear the hazardous having no ramp fees or small ones underevents of 2023.This new move by thesand build up making launching difficult $10.With the current cost-of-livingcouncil isnt going to help with fosteringfor users.crisis for many Kiwis including higherlocal tourism to the region when theyThe council need to provide better prices for boat fuel, bait, berley, ice, andreally need a key market to come anddredging of the sand around the ramp tackle to just get on the water, havingexperience the beautiful Coromandel. and channel, locals avoid the ramp another kick in guts at the ramp beforefees and sand issues by launching at launching is hard to take. LOCALS VOICE CONCERN the Pleasant Point ramp which is still The thing I really think the TCDCWe spoke to local Pauanui resident Bobcurrently free.It does however have are missing here is the importance ofRenton who is also the President of thelimited parking when busy and is a attracting out of town Kiwis to theirPauanui Rate Payers Association whoshallow ramp that wont suit all boats, region to stay, spend money and govoiced concerns about the ramp feesespecially larger trailer boats.The Royal Billy Point ramp sign outlines Thames-Coromandel District Councils launching fees, while beside it another Waikato Regional Council sign warns boaties of hazardous sand bars.60FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023'