b'News Win with Kilwell SportsBY MATHEW HEWETSONKilwell SportsKilwells major prize, an awesome Celebrates 90th FC430SS boat package with Mercury outboard is up to win until November.BELOW: There are 5 monthly prize draws of $200 Kilwell vouchers to be won.WIN $44,000 of Prizes!As featured in the previous issue, tackle and hunting distributor Kilwell Sports in Rotorua is celebrating turning 90 years in 2023.In reaching this key milestone, they have $44,000 worth of prizes up for grabs with the major prize, an FC430SS boat package to be won.B ack in 1933 andstill made the same way todaywelcomed the third generationPrizesfounder John L. Wellsand individually hand painted.of the Wells family, Jeremys purchased shares inOne former employee handson Geoff and daughter Kelly Ltd, Aucklandpainted over 1 million lures inAmanda to continue what their then took over theher 30+ year career. grandfather had started. TO GO IN THE DRAW company and movedIn the early days KilwellWith 90 years of business,spend $50* on any it down to Rotorua in 1935. imported all the componentsthe Wells family are incrediblyKilwell branded products Johns first retail store was theand made fishing rods withproud to be operating theduring JulyNovember Rotorua Sports Depot on theimported pieces. Then insame family business, withand go in the draw to corner of Hinemoa and Fenton1968 Johns sons Jeremy andthe same enthusiasm andWINthe FC430SS boat Streets.He knew that fishingJohn G. Wells created Kilwellpassion for all things fishingand Mercury package in the Lakes District wasFibretube, the first companyand hunting. The longevity ofwhich includes rods, prolific and recognised thein Australasia to manufacturethe company comes down toreels, and life jackets.value of having 18 lakes withintubular fiberglass fishing rodgood ideas, with innovativeThere are also 5 monthly easy reach to test, design, andblanks for the domestic andindividuals who are openprize draws of $200 eventually started making hisexport markets. to change as well as beingKilwell vouchers.own line of fishing tackle. The Kilwell brand nameincredibly loyal. Renowned In 1949 John sold thebecame so prominent amongstinternational brands andVisit www.kilwell.co.nz/90retail shop and focusedthe fishing fraternity theexcellent after-sales service,*Terms and conditions: Offer solely on wholesale trade.company name was changedcombined with a true familyends 28/11/23 and drawn In the early 1960s Kilwellto reflect this strong brand andculture are just a few of theon 20/12/23.started manufacturing brassKilwell Sports was establishedthings that make Kilwell who freshwater bait lures. They arein 1985. In 2018, Kilwellthey are today.FIGZ46FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023'