b"FeatureNiue is only 3 hours from Auckland and offers amazing fish life for anglers or spearos.For targeting dogtooth tuna, we were running a slightly different set up. Our 130cm wooden Riffe guns with dyneema were instead rigged with coated wire to minimize the chance of breakages if the fish swam through some reef.We used both slip tips and standard spears targeting doggies however, most spearos prefer the slip tip to minimise damage to the spear and it ripping out.The next morning, we were up early and at the wharf, having hardly slept, the anticipation of getting into 1000m of water had us fizzing. With the warm still early morning air greeting us as the sun rose behind the island as launching began.Niue is unique in the fact that thereA local FAD (fish attracting device) is is only one main wharf and there is noimportant to find and hunt around.boat ramp. Instead, boats are dropped off the side of the wharf using a massive crane. One cargo ship a month bringsfish havens in the deep blue is with localWe were greeted with crystal clear water freight and food to the island and theknowledge and thats exactly what weas far as the eye could see, and that was crane capable of lifting these is the samehad. As we cruised out, BJ ran us throughit, nothing else. We looked from side one used to drop the boat in the water, athe protocol of how to shoot in blueto side in front of us and behind and unique experience. water, when to pull the trigger, with hisdrifted around for half an hour waiting main point being that when you thinkin anticipation for something to turn up, FAD DIVING you're close enough, get closer. nothing did. This was not the start we had Having dropped the 6.3m Stabicraft intoMotoring up to the FAD and smallhoped for and with our enthusiasm levels the water, which is powered by a 115hpseabirds were circling with the odd seadropping we were about to call it a day, Yamaha, we headed off into the Pacific.snake bobbing around on the surface. Webut the best thing about diving in blue Our first stop for the morning would bethrew our floats over the side and allowedwater is that you just don't know what a FAD well offshore and not marked onour lines to get out before clipping themmight turn up, and that's when a large GPS or charts. The only way to find theseto our guns and jumping over the side.school of mahimahi came into view.50FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2023"