b'ProfileInfiRay MonocularGOINGTHERMAL INFIRAYMONOCULARBY MATHEW HEWETSONHunting is goingS everal years ago,over-run with animals.Thea premium price, with many I remember firstvideo was unreal as pigs wereof these early units in excess high tech as thermalseeing amazingrunning in all directions withof ten thousand dollars.imaging is embracedimages and video oftheir heat signature outlinesSince then, the number of infrared technologyclearly visible in the pitch- manufacturers has risen with by the industry andfrom a supplier whoblack night, with bullets flyingbetter product development we look at the latestwas testing their capabilitiesaround them as they passedand competition bringing with DOC (Departmentover the area in the chopper. prices down, so it is more infrared productsof Conservation) for pestIt was almost like watching aaffordable for many Kiwi available forcontrol.They were usingPlaystation game! hunters looking to acquire helicopters at night withThis military style tech wasthermal imaging.Kiwi hunters. tracer rounds and semi- impressive and at the timeTauranga based hunting automatics to hunt pigs onwas just starting to becomecompany Spika are releasing back country that had beenavailable to hunters but ata range of quality thermal 86FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023'