b'HUNTINGThe writers new .22 Rossi lever-action is an ideal rifle for small game and pest control.Hunters can help threatenedfor damage and control of possums is in native birds such as the kkakothe millions.With these factors alone, by reducing possum numbers. this nocturnal predator should be seen as public enemy number one.NEW RIMFIRE RIFLEA .22 rimfire rifle is the most common firearm employed for small game and pest control in Godzone.With many bolt action or semi-automatics chosen to use in the field for rabbit, possum or magpie hunting.Recently I purchased a Rossi Rio Bravo lever-action .22LR rifle as my grandfathers old bolt action rifle was getting a bit on.I was looking for something different and the classic design of the Rio Bravo appealed as a rifle featuring a rich German beechwood, POSSUMS reptiles for such food sources. The harmwith black polymer forearm and stock Possums have a significant impact onthey inflict on the growth and life-cyclewith polished black metal finish.much of Godzones natural ecosystems.of plants and trees is very significant inThe Rossi Rio Bravo has an 18 black They are found throughout the countrythe bush.However, what many peoplebarrel with 10-round tubular magazine in high numbers and range freelymay not realise is that possums haveand adjustable rear sight.This rifle is as predators, like feral cats, do notbeen recorded eating the eggs and chickswell suited for small game hunting, have much effect on controlling theof threatened birds like kkako and thistarget shooting and around the farm pest possum population. increases their threat to wildlife. control which is what I had in mind for A possums main diet consists of leaves,While dairy and deer farmers haveit.It is also an ideal youth rifle to teach flowers, fruit, and nectar, but possumsthe added worry of possums spreadingkids and with three boys keen to shoot, are opportunistic omnivores. They alsobovine tuberculosis. The potential valueI would have a good firearm to use for compete with our native birds andof economic loss in primary productiontheir training in the future.82FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023'