b'NETTING Beau helps out sorting mullet and getting the kids involved netting is a good family day trip.Smoked mullet is one ofthen quickly separate, releasing the netthe net until the last moment before parallel to the beach. they hit the net which is now too late the best smoked fish andThe plan is to walk in together withto avoid.If you are lucky to capture is seriously underrated bythe waves and close the net in aflounder, a helper can lift the bottom u-shape and the mullet that went in onrope with weights in the middle of anyone who hasnt tried it. the large wave start retreating to deeperthe net or near the flounder to ensure water and hit the net.Your helpersthey dont fall out and swim off which can assist by splashing the water nearhappens often.the sides to push the fish back into the METHOD trap and not go around the sides by theHEADFIRSTWe prefer to employ the out-spread- netters holding the poles. Removing the mullet from the net is back in method of netting over oneMullet can be surprisingly sneakyalways done headfirst going with the netter out deep and one in shallow styleand avoid the net by getting around orscales, so not against the spines and of drag netting.We have found that oureven jumping over it, especially if thescales which will make a fish difficult to best results are when both netters walkwater is clear and the net is more easilyremove.Grab the head and gently pull out to about waist deep water togetherseen.Usually the foaming surf, wavethrough the net under constant pressure and wait for a larger wave to go in andaction and dirtier water helps to concealtaking care not to break the nylon.36FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023'