b"With conditions still favourable we upped anchor and set off to the rock stack. Upon arrival the current was roaring, baitfish were everywhere, and kahawai were busting up on the surface, a spearos dream!A snapper for the bin and with only $20 of fuel used, a top day on the water.secured a feed and used about $20 worthWith two kingfish of fuel, not a bad day in anyone's books. now shot, this was A tinny opens up plenty of spearingenough fish for opportunities but these small craft canthe day.be dangerous, stay close to shore and if the wind comes up call it a day. Make sure you have all the safety gear and that someone knows where you are going, a coastguard membership is priceless. Extra fuel, oars or paddles, lifejackets, VHF radio, GPS, Epirb and flares should be in your dinghy kit and dont forget a means of bailing, most tinnies like to take on a little water so half a milk bottle or bilge pump is super important.The ability to access untouched and inaccessible locations with a tinny is a huge advantage. It always feels like an adventure so get out there enjoy the unique opportunities that small boat diving can offer and most importantly, be safe.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE45"