b"GAME FISHING There were 150 boats entered intoanglers that have fished in a Megafish the Megafish 2023 with 550 anglersas HBSFC increased the number vying for the top prize, with angler Johnof tickets available, selling out Chittick taking it out with a 122.2kgin record time. The club also striped marlin. John collected bothreported that they had a record the $10k early bird prize sponsored bynumber of shortbill spearfish caught in Eurocity Marine and $10k prize froma competition.Guns & Tackle, Hunting and Fishing inThe game fishing season has been Napier and Shark Engineering Hawke'sone of the best seen for some time Bay. Top prizes from top sponsors! and hopefully the better weather and Overall, they had a lot of dedicatedfish will stay around through March sponsors who each owned a grid, andand April to really go out with a bang.this year was the largest number ofFingers crossed!FIGZAngler John Chittick collected the main prize at the 2023 Megafish with his 122.2kg striped marlin.56FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023"