b'Taking it on my first outing to a friends farm, I sighted in the lever action rifleIntroduced Australian magpies which only took several rounds shootingare an invasive species that at my target from 25m as the rifle didntdisplace native birds.have a scope, and I wasnt expecting to shoot much further than 50-60m with it.The adjustable rear sight was simple to use and the recycling of the lever-action smooth when using Winchester Power-Point 40gr rounds.I moved the ute further down the track near a valley with large pines where I had seen rabbits and magpies often when pheasant hunting over the winter.As I exited the vehicle I instantly heard the distinctive warble call of a magpie and could see the bird sitting in a big pine about 100m away.Suddenly, a bird much closer and almost where I had parked returned the call.I peered over the fence and only 30m away a magpie was walking the fence line towards me.MAGPIE TARGETI acted quickly to get the rifle from the back seat in its gun bag and reload to sneak back to look for the magpie which had now moved and was only 20m away and walking straight towards my position.It was now almost too close and I couldnt fully stand up as I waited for a shot between a gap in the brush and fence.It knew something was up and stopped about 15m away to listen, so I rushed my shot and missed!Startled by the crack of the rifle, it surprisingly didnt fly away as I quickly reloaded and went to stand up for a second shot, but it soon took off towards its mate upon seeing my face over the fence.Damn it, that was a good chance gone missing and as I kicked myself and watched as the bird landed underWinchesters Power-Point 40gr and the pine tree while its mate called fromSubsonic 42gr hollow point rounds performed well with the Rossi lever-action.above and I rued my missed shot.It was now an open walk to where both birds were and they would surely fly off beforeground didnt flinch?It even walkednew .22 lever-action and after missing I closed the gap to get another shot. causally along looking for food aboutfrom close range earlier, nailing it from Calculating that it was around 80-90mtwo or three metres from where it wassuch a distance without a scope was a away from the fence line where I wassitting.So, I lined up on it again andtop result.and with a large bank behind the birdwhen it stopped walking, fired.TheIt was then that I noticed his mate was sitting on the ground, I decided to gobird didnt move.Watching for severalstill sitting in the pine about 40m high on for it and put some more lead his way.Iseconds and it seemed still.Hang on,a big branch and I quietly walked over to a leaned against a tree trunk and the fence,had I hit it?I waited for a good minutefence on the edge of the gully, lined it up covered the magpie with the sight andwatching for movement, but it definitelyand fired.The bird fell like a lead balloon squeezed off the Rossis trigger.Withhadnt moved. into the scrub!Two less magpies on this little recoil as the gun fired, I saw a dustI opened the gate and walked overfarm and a successful first up test for the cloud rise up in the bank right behindtowards the bird and as I got closer couldnew Rossi.The plan is to put it to use the bird, close but another miss.Thesee feathers all around and I had indeedon rabbits and possums now that I was magpie in the tree got a fright and flewhit the magpie from nearly 90m and itconfident with the lever-action, all part of off to another pine but my target on thewas stone dead.What a shot with mya good cause here in Godzone.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE85'