b'HUNTING major issues with the rabbit population exploding again.The expansion of lifestyle blocks and subdivisions around places such as Queenstown and Lake Hayes, make it harder as shooting and poisoning is not possible with built up areas.If not taken care of this potential ecological disaster will end up costing millions a year.Farmers around the country look at the problem in Otago with rabbits and only have to be reminded that seven rabbits eat the same amount of grass daily as a sheep.Therefore rabbits are high on the hit list for small hunters to focus on, with farmers happy for the assistance in reducing numbers.I had indeed hit the magpie The possum is one of thefrom nearly 90m and it was greatest threats to Godzones natural environment andstone dead.What a shot with public enemy number one. my new .22 lever-action.Most Kiwi hunters would have started out with an air rifle as a kid, learning to shoot targets and then moving up A lthough if you grew to a .22 rimfire rifle. up like me in a small country town, shooting with air rifles and .22 rifles was good sport and a way to shoot many of the unwanted pests that farmers like to keep controlled and see their numbers reduced.This became my introduction to hunting and taught me the safe handling of firearms, while also learning how to stalk and hunt small game to get a better shot.The main targets were rabbits and possums, however several introduced birds had also become invasive pests such as mynas and Australian magpies which were added to the list when hunting.Most Kiwis would know of the devastating rabbit plague proportions that impacted the South Island and they are unfortunately coming back again with efforts by the Otago Regional Council to control them.They are concentrating on pastoral land and say large parts ofLearning to shoot with an airgun and that are under control but admits therehunt introduced birds like mynas is are plenty of hot spots where there aresurprisingly challenging for budding hunters, as the birds are quite cunning.80FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023'