b'TRAILERSBrakes are a legalGET HITCHED Guide poles attached to the sides of Most trailers connect to the tow vehiclea trailer make it easier to put back on requirement in Newwith a hitch that clamps to a ball on thethe trailer. This is good when you need Zealand if your trailerablebumper or frame-mounted receiver hitch.help seeing the end of the trailer when Most New Zealand trailer hitches requirebacking down the ramp.They are also weight is over 2500kg. a 50mm or a 1 7/8" ball. ideal when you have wind or tide issues when retrieving your boat.LED LIGHTS An electric winch is a good option, LED lights are now the norm on trailers,especially on larger trailer boats, and BUNKS OR ROLLERS and the old traditional incandescentyou might even consider the Kiwi Trailers come with one of two supportlights are all but obsolete. For wiring, lookinvented Balex auto boat loading system. systems, rollers or bunks. The Kiwifor tinned copper and ensure all holesBoth make retrieval that much less favourite is certainly multi-rollers, whilein the trailer frame have suitable rubberstressful. Bearing savers such as the the US manufacturers favour bunks. Agrommets or other chafe protection. genuine Bearing Buddies (watch out for trailer with rollers is considered easierimitations) can extend the life of a trailer to load. Bunks are thought to provideWORTHWHILE ACCESSORIES by keeping the wheel bearings bathed in better support for the hull but can be anA windup jockey wheel that bolts to thea constant supply of grease.issue launching, especially off a beachfront of the drawbar make it easy to liftAlso, ensure you have good secure tie or a low-gradient boat ramp. Bunks arethe trailer on and off the tow ball. A sparedowns because if you don\'t, the boat can usually covered in carpet, and some havetyre and mount can mean the differencebe classified as an unsecured load, which plastic tops to make it easier for the boatbetween making it to the ramp or home.could have insurance ramifications if you to slide onto and off. However, rollers areWe highly recommend that all trailershave an accident.FIGZmuch easier to slide a boat on and off ahave a spare tyre. A walk board or plank trailer. In New Zealand, they are the mostdown the trailer\'s centre makes it easy to common option. access the winching eye.Single-axle trailers suit boats under 6m with a max weight of two tonnes.64FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023'