b'could be their best lure designIt is also simple to fish with, yet!A big call for sure, butjust like using sliders, where this odd new secret lureyou drop to the bottom and seemed to be getting plentyslowly wind a few times, of attention that day. pause and try winding again.Then if you receive no bites RELEASTIC SWIMMING TAIL or interest from fish, return Paul reckoned the key wasto the bottom and keep how the swimming tail, withtrying as you drift in the boat.its small rear hook helps giveWatching the lure in the water the tail more action whenwhen retrieving back to the moving through the water. boat and the swimming tail This together with its morelooks amazingly life like, with hydrodynamic design helpssuch excellent action.It is no to get it down to the bottomwonder it attracts attention quicker, this means thefrom fish.G-Bomb has an advantage over other sliding typesGOOD COLOURSof lures. G-Bombs come available in The new G-Bombs curvyweights 45, 60, 80, 100 and shape stands out, with a120gm with five great proven mix of cuttlefish, squid, andcolours, Pure Orange, Bruised octopus - but whatever itBanana, 001, 002 and Lime is, the G-Bomb definitelyOrange.I think the orange proved irresistible to fishColoursand classic Bruised Banana with snapper and kahawai allavailable topwill be my favourites to use succumbing to it when weto bottom;this year but are keen to see first tried them. 001, 002, andhow the other colours stack Lime Orange. up when fishing.The heavier 80-120gm Donny Wilson scored a good fish tryingweights will be good for the new Bruised Banana G-Bomb. fishing deeper water or when in work-ups with faster drifts, but the lighter 45 and 60gm G-Bombs could work well in shallow water (under 20m).Ideally when prospecting in the boat in areas like harbours, bays or even off beaches.Other features include being streamlined to get down to the bottom quickly; durable, easily replaced assist tendril, with hand spliced assist cord onto quality Japanese Owner assist hooks. The lures retail for around $17.99 each in most of the tackle shops and you can buy replacement assist tendrils.Im sure the G-Bomb will become a top seller in stores this year and looking online recently, I can see many of the stores are getting low in stock, so watch out fish as Ocean Angler have hit the G-spot again.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE69'