b"LEADERYou can see the short, heavy bite leader attached to this softbait leader. This nice 5kg snapper couldnt bite its way free like the previous two fish.Everyone loves a good leader,when it is better to be weaker. Whento stop the line from breaking if it gets you are fishing in deep water over roughwhacked by the fishs tail or the fish having confidence in your rigground with expensive braid for fishjumps and lands on the leader.is key when you hook a greatlike puka and bluenose, you don't wantEven a heavy-duty 400lb leader for your sinker snagging on the bottom somarlin can break if the fish lands on the fish, and it tries to find a weakattaching a small section of weaker lineleader with full force. For species like C onversely, its a sadas part of the leader means you can breaksnapper that have teeth that can crush link in your set-up.off the heavy sinker and not lose 200mmussels and rip thorny crayfish heads of expensive braid and have to re-spoolapart, the leader provides protection from empty feeling thatyour reel. The same situation is whentheir teeth.forms in the pit of youryou are rock fishing over snaggy groundLeaders are also important at the end stomach when the lineand would rather break off a sacrificialof the fight when the angler is about to goes slack during a bigsinker (like an old spark plug) and get yoursecure their catch. The leader serves to fight and you realisehook back. help provide an element of control over the leader failed.Thethe fish and get it into the boat or for leader is the section ofINSURANCE land-based anglers, to get it onto land. line that ties to the hook or lure whichLeaders are most often heavier thanKingfish can be notorious for breaking connects to your mainline. your mainline and serve to absorb thethe line or escaping at the boat when the There are two approaches to choosingpunishment of a fight e.g if the fishangler gets excited and prematurely tries leader strength - it is either chosen to betries to swim around a rock, the leaderto secure the fish. Get ready for a last stronger than your mainline or is chosenis supposed to provide a bit of extrasecond dash around the prop or under the to be purposefully weaker than yourinsurance to stop the line from parting.boat. Using 100-150lb leader is a good mainline. Most of the time it is meant toBig snapper, trevally and kingfish oftenstandard strength when live baiting, stick be stronger however, there are situationsfight this way when hooked.It is alsobaiting or trolling for these great fighters.20FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023"