b'EditorialMarch/April 2023 / Issue 44FISHING IN GODZONE MARCH/APRIL 2023 Issue #44COVER PHOTO Driving down a remote beach inStu Marshall from Snapperhead a 4x4 with your family to park upcaught his PB 20lb snapper on a and fish or enjoy a picnic may beTana Aiya slow pitch jig.sadly under threat in Godzone. Photo: Ben ShawO ver the recent summer holidaythe road apply and it is possible to drive alongEDITOR AT LARGE Mathew Hewetsonbreak around New Years, I was withthe hard sand either side of low tide at speed. WRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS my family staying at Baylys BeachAlthough in my experience you shouldnt beScott Cushman, Dan Westerkamp, on Northlands west coast anddriving at 100km/hr here, as there are manyPowerBoat Magazineenjoying time on Ripiro Beach.Thishazards with the beaches soft sand changingDESIGN is the longest beach in the country and it isdaily.Also, many locals are parked up withBlockstart now sadly under the very real threat of havingdogs and kids, putting out fishing drones orwww.blockstart.co.nzaccess restricted, which is something I wouldkontikis, picnicking or swimming, so care mustPRINTING have never thought of in my lifetime. be taken when approaching them and slowingSCG PrintThe sheer increase in amount of users withdown is a general courtesy. DISTRIBUTION 4x4 vehicles and motorbikes has meant it isKeeping left is also the golden rule of theAre Direct NZhaving a big impact on the dune habitat androad and often drivers unfamiliar with thePUBLISHER also becoming increasingly dangerous forbeach and wary of the conditions, want toMarlin Marketing Limited Mathew Hewetson other day trippers looking to take their familydrive in the middle of the beach.AlwaysP: 022 355 0588 down the beach. keep left when approaching other oncomingE: mathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzOn New Years Day, I alone counted overvehicles and keep just above the wet sand or fifty 4x4 vehicles that were all heavilywaves, and down from the dunes.modified and heading in convoys down theLocal council are looking at changes for beach with camping gear. Their owners arebeach users, and imposing a fee for access all typically younger men who have taken tois one idea to help keep a track of users andFishing In Godzone is subject to copyright in its entirety.The contents 4x4 adventures and are looking for remoteenforcement.I hope that sensibility remainsmay not be reproduced in any form, in spots such as Ripiro Beach to explore.Thisand that 80% of the careful, experienced userswhole or in part, without the written permission of the publishers. All copy, may sound okay as they are out enjoying thearent affected by the actions of the 20% whophotos or other material forwarded to outdoors, but some of their actions on theare careless when on the beach. the magazine will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly labelled beach are downright dangerous and puttingGodzone is a country with a huge coastline,not for publication.Opinions expressed others at risk, while they are also destroyingone of the top 10 longest in the world andfrom such content are not necessarily those of the publisher.shellfish beds from all the donuts and hooningwe still need to look after every bit of it for on the sand.When they head up into the drythe next generation to enjoy.Remember thisISSN 23821655sand in the dunes, they are also damaging thewhen you head down to your local beach andfishingingodzone.co.nzecosystem and many councils around otherhow you leave it. /fishingingodzoneparts of Godzone have now banned 4x4 beach driving and access to limit this damage. Mathew HewetsonThis long beach is actually treated as a gazetted highway where the standard rules ofEDITOR AT LARGEGREAT DIGITAL CONTENT FOR ONLY $5 A MONTH6FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2023'