b'HUNTINGThe Meopta MeoPro Optika5 2-10x42 PA Z-Plus allows a magnification of 2-10x.OTHER FEATURES cant enter the tube, condensation can stillhunters.The MeoPro Optika 5 range The outer body of your scope is called theoccur and resulting fog will compromise(from $700-1,100) offer quality scopes tube and a rifle scope can have either athe target view.To prevent this occurring,with Z-Plex reticle (crosshairs), while the 1-inch tube or 30mm tube.The size ofscope manufacturers substitute the airOptika 6 is their premium range (over the tube is important to determine theinside tubes with gas such as nitrogen. $1,300) with BDC reticle.correct ring used when mounting theThe Meopta scopes come with a Meopta scope to the rifle. MEOPTA SCOPES New Zealand lifetime warranty, so you The lens of scopes are usually coated forI have hunted and shot with numeroushave peace of mind in your hunting scope.protection and useful to ensure less lightMeopta scopes over the past few years,If you are thinking of purchasing a new is reflected and helps transmit more lightand they have impressed being a qualityscope, do your research and ask other to provide a clearer view.A good qualityEuropean scope manufacturer withhunters or your local gun shop for advice scope should be waterproofed by usingexcellent lens, features, and warranty. before buying.It pays to look at your O-rings and help prevent moisture, dust,Kilwell are the local Godzone agent andoptions before parting with your dollars or dirt from penetrating the scope whenoffer many models with binoculars andand investing in quality optics will pay out in the field hunting.Although waterspotting scopes also available for Kiwidividends for your hunting.FIGZThe Meopta Optika 5, 4-20 x 44 has magnification of 4-20x and objective lens of 44mm.96FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'