b'BLUEFIN02 TEMP BREAKSEarly this season we caught bluefin in 18.5 degree water but most have been caught in 17 - 17.5 degrees so far.The warm side of a temp break is where we have caught the majority of our bluefin whilst trolling. During the bluefin season in the BOP a 0.5 degree plus temp break is often as good as it gets and even 0.3 degrees offers prime potential and is better than water with no temp variance.Earlier this season we saw some epic early temp breaks of over 2 degrees, but we haven\'t seen anything like that for over a month and on a good day we are back to the 0.5-degree breaks.03 CURRENT LINESAs with other game fish the current lines are always a great place to find the bait and then of course find the tuna. The stronger the current line the better. The more intense ones that look like rivers are the ones you want and if they include a temp break then even better.04 COLOUR CHANGESBait is often found around colour changes and subsequently that\'s where you\'ll find the tuna.Combine a strong colour change with a good temp break and your halfway there.A good colour change, temperature break and current line along with birds is the perfect recipe for locating SBT.05 WATER COLOURIn Godzone we have caught most of our bluefin in deep blue coloured water.Bright orange lures have It is often near green water or patchyproduced good fish this season for Pelagic Charters.green water but that is not essential.This season we have caught 80% of the tuna in deep blue water colour and 20% inTrolling a hard bodied lure blue/green coloured water. on a Stella scored Jordie Farrant his bluefin.06 BIRDSThe best birds to look out for are petrels and shearwaters.There are many different types but generally the larger ones with brown underwing are best indicators of nearby game fish. These are also known as marlin birds to game fisherman.Find hundreds of these "Marlin Birds" working when trolling out wide and you\'re in the right place for feeding tuna.Find working shearwaters and you are in the right place to locate feeding tuna.24FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'