b'LAND BASED04 MAHURANGIfished about 1.5 hours either side of lowTAKE: A floating bait is good but HARBOUR ENTRANCEtide and is quite fishy. The change of lightthere are patches of sand further out Not quite in the same leagueis best and summer fishing is generallyto cast a bait with a sinker (especially as the above destinations, but Mahurangibetter during the hours of darknesscloser to the island and channel). can be a great place to catch someafter the crowds have gone home andWesterly winds flatten out the swell pannie snapper, especially in springthe traffic on the water settles down.here quite nicely. Squid fishing is without the crowds of summer. Head toThese are the better times to target theproductive in the cooler months. Sullivans Bay and walk down towards thesnapper that venture in close to munchFresh piper or mackerel baits will help entrance. The gates close at sundown,on mussels, kina, and other morsels.you hook the bigger snapper so try but the gate will open so you can exitKahawai are prevalent as are piper andand secure some of these species that if its after dark. The shoreline is cut offyellow-eyed mullet. The occasionalwill no doubt be hanging around the at about half tide in. The island can bekingfish under 12kg also swim past.berley trail.40FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'