b'As we neared the bar it was calm with little swell as we crossed over and headed north to the rocky shallows were plenty of kelp and baitfish reside amongst the foul.This area has produced many good fish on previous trips over the years.Being early and a Friday, we were the only boat fishing here as we moved quietly into the shallows using the Yamaha four-strokes low idle noise to get us into position to drift back out.Webs noticed on the sounder from 10m and less, how much bait sign was present and the water also wasnt super clear, two good indications the snapper should be in the area.SHALLOWS FIREScott and I cast out trusted Z-Man Atomic Sunrise 5 Jerk Shadz softbaits, the bright orange lures had produced so many good fish in the past they are hard to go past.We both had a couple of small hits as we drifted out and we marked the spot as we kept casting along our slow drift.A bigger fish hit my softbait in only 5-6m one of those tell-tale takes when the lure just stops and then it wakes up and started to take line, it felt heavy and just as I Yet again the bright orange started to play it the fishAtomic Sunrise was the best spat the lure! softbait on the day.Skipper Damien Webs Styles battles another snapper in close to shore. /FISHINGINGODZONE33'