b'MANGAWHAI This beauty 75cm fish was released by the writer in spring 2019 when softbaiting at the same spot where he lost a good fish in the shallows.Webs had been using it a lot fishingwater feeding still and as the sun climbs over summer and autumn, enjoyinghigher in the sky, they move back out the economy and fishability the boatinto deeper water.and motor now provides him to headIf the water is murky after recent heavy further out off Mangawhai and even torain or a storm, then the fish might The Mokes and over on the west side inalso stay longer in the shallows feeding the Kaipara. under cover and feel less threatened.Northland had experienced a lot of COLD START rain lately with stormy sea conditions, Webs commented he had also just beenso the fish could be in closer to shore out fishing the week before and fishedand feeding.south of Mangawhai and done well withWe launched Tin Bum at the local good 4-5kg snapper in only 5m of water. Mangawhai ramp at 7:30am and were This surprised Scott and myself so wesurprised to find we were only the decided to make a plan to softbait in thesecond boat there.Did the locals know shallows early and when the sun wassomething we didnt?It certainly was a up higher, we would head out to dropcrisp winters day and we all had three jigs in deeper water if the wind stayedlayers, with caps/beanies, and gloves down.The theory behind this approachfor the cold start.The sky was clear andThe shallows north of is that in lower light levels during earlylittle wind so we hoped it would warm upMangawhai Heads were stacked morning, the fish are in the shallowerlater in the day. with baitfish on the sounder.32FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'