b'DEER HUNTINGThe configuration of a set of red deer antlers and the designation of tines is illustrated in Fig 4Red Deer: Spread, Span and Nomenclatureif you are ever lucky enough to shoot an 18 pointer.Before commencing measuring, firstly select the score sheet for the particular game trophy species being measured and enter the details of the owner, shooter, location, date, species, and number of points for deer antlers.A typical Douglas Score Sheet for a large red deer trophy is illustrated in Fig 8. The score sheet is filled in from the top down, by recording left and righthand antler measurements carefully. All measurements are recorded to the nearest 1/8 inch. If the measurement is over half of a 1/8-inch graduation, record the measurement to the next highest 1/8-inch graduation.Always begin with the left antler first.Length refers to the true length of an antler. It is measured from the outside centre and bottom of the coronet flange, up the main beam on outside curve, to the tip of the furthermost tine-tip on top.Spread is the maximum outside width of the antlers, including tines. It is a single measurement that is not doubled. For red deer the spread must not exceed the length of the longest antler (this varies for different deer species)Skull length is also recorded asmeasuring. To become a Douglas Score or an overspread penalty is incurredan aid to species identificationmeasurer, it is necessary to successfully as in this case i.e., excess spreadwhere hybridisation occurs, such ascomplete a one-day practical NZDA multiplied by three and deducted frombetween red and sika deer or red andtraining course and receive a Douglas spread measurement. wapiti deer. Score Approved Measurer Certificate.Span is the maximum inside widthContact your local NZDA branch or between the main beam of each antler,INTER-SPECIES EQUIVALENTS NZDA National Office www.deerstalkers.below the tops or surroyal tines. It is sNorman Douglas also developed inter- org.nz for further information on future single measurement that is not doubled. species Douglas Score equivalent scorescourses. I hope a few readers become Beam is the minimum circumference ofso that all of our big game species canDouglas Score measurers, as you will find each antler, measured between the bezbe compared e.g., a 350 red deer head isit interesting, and it adds another level of and trez tines. equivalent to a 200 sika, a 230 fallow orknowledge and appreciation of the game Coronet is the circumference ofa 46 tahr. animals we hunt.FIGZeach coronet. FOOT NOTEThe length of each tine is measuredNZDA GAME TROPHYAny articles pertaining to the Douglas Score must from its tip to the centre or pith line ofRECORD BOOK be forwarded to the Douglas Score custodians for the main beam or the tine to which itThe following are the minimum Douglasscrutinising and approval before publication.is attached, around the outside of theScores required for trophy inclusion inFrank Ferguson - Douglas Score MeasurerLevel curve as illustrated in Fig. 2. The rulethe NZDA Game Trophy Record Book.2 and Judge / Tutor and NZDA North Aucklandfor broken tines it to measure only whatWapiti 380, red 300, sika 170, fallowLife Member.The author wishes to acknowledge remains, as we cannot estimate the200, rusa 160, sambar 200, whitetail 120,content taken from:former length. tahr 40, chamois 27, goat 100, pig tusksThe Douglas Score HandbookThird Edition by Norman Douglas, The DeerstalkersA History Specific scores are added up to give the28 (drawn) and 20 (undrawn). of NZDA 19371987 by Philip Holden and The factors and the factors are added toPlease note this is merely an overviewWapiti and MooseNZ Big Game Record Series, give the total score for the head. of the Douglas Score System ofVol 2 by Bruce Banwell.88FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'