b'STARTING OUTThe writer with his moocher snapper caught at The Mokes straylining in 96.Back at Glinks Gully at Matts grandparents bach to smoke the huge Mokes snapper.We wandered down to the organiserswork for AGC Finance, I had a week offreally picked up and then one of the stern who took my $5 entry and weighed inso was visiting family back in Dargavilleprops had gone not long after leaving, so the fish.Later at around 4:30pm at theand planned to go duck shooting.It waswe had to limp home on one prop and prize giving I was surprised to pick up firstwinter and my uncle Muzza invited mearrived back in the dark at Tuts.and third place and win over $60 with ato come fishing at The Mokes.He wasIt was some mission and I recall my late beautiful shield.Most competitors wereleaving early from Tutukaka where hismate Iain McCahon being invited and he boat anglers who were all mildly jealouslaunch was moored, and I headed outdidnt come. When he saw the massive of the fish and kept asking where we hadwith him and his wife Debbie and the seasnapper the next day at the bach when caught them off the rocks. conditions were calm as we made for thewe were getting them ready for the We were all stoked sitting back atfamed Mokes. smoke house, he regretted his decision camp planning our dive trip for the nextOnce we had arrived, we anchored onand did so for years to come.day.That was some introduction to rocka reef with the berley running and usedThe Mokes have continued to produce fishing, and I have returned to FletchersShimano Baitrunners with baits straylinedtop fishing on many more trips since, Bay and fished the same area often sinceback into the reef.Over the next coupleand the lesson again from that first trip and the place never fails. of hours, I experienced some of the bestis berley hard and dont use sinkers big snapper fishing of my life and keptwith your baits.Having great memories FIRST MOKES TRIP beating my PB fish on every cast! Wewith friends and family are what fishing In 1996 and in between leaving my jobended up with fish ranging from 5-11kg.is all about here in Godzone, heres to at the National Bank in Auckland toWhen we left for home, the wind hadmaking more.FIGZ70FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'