b'HUNTINGThe Meopta MeoSport R 3-15x50 RD SFP 4C RETICLE provides an objective lens of 50mm.M any Kiwi huntersmake you a better shooter and thereforetypically smaller in size that the objective will save their hard- hunter.Lets look at an overview oflens.Its key function is to bring the earned dollars forthe rifle scope and its different controlsimage into a smaller visible picture for the a rifle, doing theand functions. shooter to see through the eye piece.research on their preferred modelLENSES RETICLEand calibre, but notObviously, the lenses used in a rifle scopeThe reticle of the scope is commonly think as long or hardare one of the most important partscalled the crosshairs by hunters.Its about the optics thatand a scope has two types of lenses,main purpose is to help the shooter will go on top.For beginner or noviceObjective Lens and Ocular Lens. know the exact point to shoot.Every hunters they too arent aware of theThe objective lens refers to the largestscope manufacturer has different reticles importance of buying a good quality riflelens found at the front of the scopeused in scopes but the most common scope, in fact the chances of hitting yourand its main job is to capture light andor popular is Duplex, because it is easy target will depend on the optics usedtransmit this directly to the ocular lens. to use and fast.While Mildot and BDC and not the rifle. As light passes through this lens, it isare other common reticles used.Mildot By investing in a quality scope, youthen sent to the erector lens.Whenis similar to Duplex and a shooter can can nail your target from a long distancethis occurs, the image being viewed (e.g.estimate the distance between them with high accuracy, even if you are usingthe deer) is flipped and the magnifyingand target.BDC is referred to the bullet a lower standard of firearm.While thelens will then magnify the image.Oncedrop compensator, as its name suggests opposite is true if you spend thousandsachieved the light is then transmittedthe shooter can adjust for any bullet on a top end rifle but employ a poorback to the ocular lens. drops using the reticle.Due to this scope, your accuracy levels will be low. At the rear of the scope where youfeature the BDC is popular with long-To understand how rifle optics work willplace your eye is the ocular lens anddistance shooters.Meopta Z-Plex Reticle Meopta BDC Reticles92FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'