b'LAND BASED03 FANTAIL BAY TO PORTTAKE: Berley up and fish with JACKSON, COROMANDELunweighted baits, have a mackerel or This section of coast provideskahawai live bait out for a kingfish. several ledges that are easy to access.One day I saw a small dolphin chasing Be careful where you park as the roadmullet along here and later realised it is narrow and there isnt a lot of wigglewas a massive kingfish. Dont use light room for passing cars or a barrier togear as you will get smoked extra crispy stop your vehicle to rest against shouldby a green torpedo. Some of the best it get bumped. This area of coastlinetimes are a low tide coinciding with the gets a bit of pressure but can stillchange of light.When the tide comes produce decent fish on the right day. Ifin there is more water near your feet as you coincide your trip with the lead-upthe sun gets higher. Night time can also to the new or full moon, your chancesbe productive with large baits, but the increase. Watch out for strong northerlyrays also become a bit more active. or westerly winds here as it can getCatching fresh bait on site can rough and dangerous. help your catch rate. EXPERIENCE THE PERFORMANCEFAST, AGILE AND SAFE / VIRTUALLY UNSINKABLE / INCREDIBLY LOW MAINTENANCEWWW.MACBOATS.CO.NZWWW.SMARTWAVEBOATS.CO.NZ0800 62 22 62INFO@MACBOATS.CO.NZ38FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022'