b"BLUEFINThe new Go Pro and all that incredible footage was gone forever, but the memories will live forever.The reason I thought of that story, was that if a bluefin will take a shiny camera on a stick just planted there, theyll definitely take a well-presented stick bait or popper.MIGRATION AND LOCATIONSSBT (Southern bluefin tuna) are known to spawn South of Indonesia in the Indian Ocean, they then travel south heading down Australia's west coast and then move east to southeast along Australia's south coast and on to New Zealand's South Island from mid to late March or April. They feed up on our huge quantities of baitfish such as lantern fish and squid, then head north via both coasts of New Zealand including some travelling through the Cook Straight.During May they typically arrive off Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay, and then Gisborne and in late May they make it up past the Ranfurly Banks around East Cape and into the Bay of Plenty. By the time they get to the North Island they have gained a lot of condition and are far fatter and heavier than when they arrived in Godzones waters. They keep getting fatter during the migration north around Godzone so once in the BOP region youre looking at prime condition bluefin, primed for the table.They move west across the BOP from late June to early September and keep moving north and east from there, with at some fish then reversing their route but staying deeper. Throughout this migration they tend to move in waves which I will talk about a little further down. SBT's are at their closest when off Waihau Bay and in better range forJR gives the thumbs up to another trailer boats to target. solid tuna with Pelagic ChartersKey tips whenthey will still be there. The key has beenDuring the bluefin season targeting bluefin to fish along the warmer side of thein the BOP a 0.5 degree temp breaks and the SBTs also frequent TEMPERATURES 16-degree water in the BOP. plus temp break is often as 01 Early this season we caught bluefinTemperatures this season are averaginggood as it gets and even in 18.5-degree water, with most have.5 to 1 degree higher over the same time caught in low to mid 17 degrees. At thelast year and the fishing is similar to last0.3 degrees offers prime time of writing this (early August), 17season. Right now, temps are up to 17.2potential and is better than degrees is a key temperature for bluefindegrees compared with 16.2 degrees at in the BOP but as the temperature falls,this time last year. water with no temp variance.22FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2022"