b'HUNTINGA rifle suppressor makes a big difference, offering reduced recoil and noise.08 RIFLE SUPPRESSORborn to hunt for us and working with One piece of kit that has madedogs in the field to successfully bag a a big difference is gettingpheasant, retrieve a duck or scent a deer a suppressor fitted.The benefits aremakes for a special bond with your four-obvious to most with reduced recoillegged mate.Hunting with dogs is one and noise for the hunter.My DPTof the best things about hunting I have suppressor was worth the money, andenjoyed over my time.Good training it will repay any hunter who makes themakes for a good hunting dog, put the decision to get one.There are manytime in and they will repay you ten-fold.good local Kiwi manufacturers available on the market, do the research first and10 OUTDOORS IN GODZONE ask your hunting mates about theirsWhile hunting is all about before buying one. bagging your intended quarry, I enjoy just being outdoors in 09 GOOD GUN DOGSGodzone.Walking for miles in the fresh During my hunting journey Iair, exploring new country, discovering have shot over many differentbeautiful bush, finding stunning views hunting dogs from spaniels, pointers,and seeing other natural life gives you labs and setters.The one common thinga recharge from the busy world we live is they all simply love hunting for you. in.It is an escape and being in nature is They get so excited when you a dressedthe main appeal for most hunters, andKeeping alert to sign that your in your hunting kit and get the gun outhunting becomes almost secondary prey is in the area will hone your to put in the vehicle.They were trulyat times.FIGZ hunting skills.96FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2021'