b"PB KINGFISHThe writers Daiwa Certate LT 3000 softbaiting combo was put to the test and fortunately Evanas knots held out.E ver since landing my PBWINTERLESS NORTH out on the water as it had been several snapper last year in theAlmost one year to the day of thatweeks of work and no play, and its Far North, an estimatedsnapper, school holidays was uponcertainly hard to write for this mag 19lb snapper which Ius once again. Fellow parents willwhen you dont have any exciting or happily released and wasunderstand of our rejoicing with thisrelevant content!featured on the cover ofmid-year holiday and a great excuse toAfter a few days of indoor family this beloved magazine. I'veget away for some mid-winter fishing.entertainment, there was finally a been keen to catch thatHowever, the severe winter weatherbreak in the weather, so we jumped elusive 20 pounder! So,we endured last year arrived again andat the opportunity to get out on the every time we head out onwe ended up stuck in the middle of aboat.We found ourselves following the water and when back up at Tokerauterrible storm with winds blowing upour favourite reef line to drift out in Beach where I caught my PB, I cross myto 50 knots and torrential rain thatDoubtless Bay, all of 10 minutes from fingers and hope that it will be this tripflooded much of the area. Winterlessshore after an easy launch straight off when one finally takes my lure. North they say?! I was itching to getthe beach. 20FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2021"