b'SPRINGTIME LURE FISHINGSpringtime is the awakening of nature from the barely feeding winter habits of numerous species, which turns into feasting and gorging as large schools of pilchards and mackerel move down the Northland coast and into the Hauraki Gulf.BY SCOTT CUSHMAN / PHOTOS MATT HEWETSON & SCOTT CUSHMAN W ith gannetsLures are the go-to method to getlures are better than others for getting diving, dolphinsinto the action quickly with no baitpast them, and lure choice makes a blowing, andneeded to hook snapper, kahawaidifference to the catch rate of snapper.schooling hungryand kingfish which are all feeding and red fish stackedputting on some healthy springtime fat.SMALL TIDE SMALL JIGon the bottomUnfortunately, not all early work upWhen the moon phase causes weaker (snacking on theactivity of diving birds equates to fulltides and slower water movement, sinking banquet),bins. If youre lucky and on the moneysmaller lures like micro jigs can be the it is excitingwith better work ups (that last for 10better choice fished harder on the fishing whenminutes or more), then the rusty colouredbottom. Work ups will likely be slower you come across a workup and its difficultrogues are more likely to be underneathand not as long in duration and fish are for any red-blooded fisherman to notand easy to catch. Some hefty kahawailess snappy on the bite. Going down to have adrenaline peaking in their systemsmoked or fresh are a good catch but6kg leader (instead of 10-15kg) can also amongst this kind of action! if you are targeting snapper then somehelp fool suspicious fish into biting./FISHINGINGODZONE9'