b'get the fish to rise and take. If it doesnt, I plop the lure back onto the sea floor to throw up some sand. Often the gurnard smokes the lure just after this second lift. My favourite two styles of lure to fish are the Shimano Lucanus in orange/white or sunset crab and Black Magic Sunakku in tiger or choconana.TRUSTY LEDGER RIGThe second technique I use is bait fishing on a ledger rig. I have put more time into the development of this rig than any other. Its a basic ledger but with one key difference; the placement of the droppers. I have thought long and hard about where the gurnard is likely to be in the water column. Any video I watchTying your own ledger rigs before of gurnard underwater, they have theirheading out is wise, add a luminous ball above the recurve hook.bellies on the bottom or are using their modified rays just forward of their giant pectoral fins to walk along the bottom.Gurnard are a sight predator Thinking back to these videos ofand will happily hit lures like gurnard on the sea floor. I placed myslow jigs or softbaits fished second dropper less than an inch abovehard on the bottom.the sinker so the bait lays on the bottom. Its an incredibly effective change that catches more fish overall. Gurnard dont have to put a huge effort in to find the food sitting hard on the bottom where they are perfectly adapted to grab it. I have experimented with a few hooks, and I find an improved hookup rate with less dropped fish using Black Magic KLT recurves. The smaller 4/0 size is perfect for penetrating into the bony mouth of the gurnard. A couple of luminous beads complete the attractive rig.My favourite bait is by far bullet tuna, and I have caught countless fish on it. The big advantage over many other baits is its tough skin that helps to hold the soft flesh on the hook. Tuna, beingBarracouta also love a bait bouncingA few bite sized morsels can be effective a very oily fish lends itself well to theon the bottom and will do their best toat turning a slow day around.bottom hook of the ledger and is thedestroy my rigs if they get the chance.Avoiding the undesirable species is most consistent producer for me. WhileWinter fishing very much becomesextremely difficult when the water gurnard primarily feed on sight, the scentminimizing the bycatch. temperatures drop below 12 degrees. can very much make or break a session. ItIn my mind berley should be usedFishing can feel almost hopeless no tends to kick them into feeding more, sosparingly during winter, it is often morematter where you go. Mixing it up and Id expect to out fish lures on a tough daytrouble than its worth. While it willpatience with spots can prove to be the where the fish arent committing. I like toattract more fish overall, the number ofdifference maker. If one location isnt cut my baits small, leaving the hook pointspiny dogfish and barracouta swimmingworking, move on and try somewhere ready to penetrate into the tough armourinto the area causes a heap of trouble.else. The days I have saved by covering plating.Finding the balance between notlots of ground until finding gurnard are enough and too much scent can be quitepriceless. LIMIT BERLEY important. A tried-and-true methodSummarizing the Hawkes Bay winter The biggest downside to using bait isI employ is chunking small pieces offishing with one word would be tough. the unwanted bycatch. Spiny dogfishpilchard one by one into the currentOften the toughest of days can be the live over the same sandy areas and lovebehind the boat. When I fillet the catchmost rewarding when you break through to sniff out any scent. If present theyat the end of the day, I always find somethe odds and spot a long orange shape will get to the bait before most gurnard.of the chunks in the gurnards stomachs.rising from the depths.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE61'