b'LURE FISHING around a workup as the sounder hasnt picked up fish as they move into your path. I would rather trust what my rod tells me and give it a drop just to be sure when probing the action. TRY SOFTBAITSAnother good lure choice when things are tough are softbaits. I usually like to fish jigs/sliders when typically fishing out in 40m+ depths where workups are often found. They sink quickly and the heavier 80gm+ lures tend to get past the roving kahawai quickly. When the jigs arent so popular, I will often switch to a rod with a softbait and fish it seductively around the activity or where the activity used to be. A small ball sinker threaded onto the line above the jig head can help it get down quickly, but if you can get away without extra weight then do it. Keep the softbait hard on the bottom when you are working the lure. The unusual thing is that occasionally, I will get a snapper hit when I have started to wind the lure back to the surface and a fish decides to bite. The life-like material and action of a softbait (especially a grub tail pattern) can be the trigger to get a few more fish in the bin. There have been a few times when it was the softbait that produced the goods by the end of the day. Whilst jigs caught fish, the fish werent legal sized ones as those caught on the softbaits. Z-Man Jerk ShadZ are the dominant brand/style in my tackle box, they have some great colours (Motor Oil, New Penny and Atomic Orange are Slow pitch jigs are a goodhard to beat) and I always have some option with their erratic action,Pearlescent PaddlerZ tails on hand. A lot the twin-assist hooks on thisof anglers, including myself, find Z-Mans Edge jig doing their job. very durable and therefore good value. You dont necessarily have to own a light fishing rig for micro jigs, but you will need a day when the wind is very light if you are in 30m+ water depths. Getting the drift right is key here to be amongst whatever fish may have gathered. Thestrike zone window may be short on the drift, so casting ahead of the boat can help lengthen a time the lure is naturally working up off the bottom. These short sporadic work up bursts will often have no snapper at all in attendance, so be prepared to keep moving until you find either a workup that has been going for a while, or you can see fish on the bottom on your sounder.A good selection of lures helps to target the fish you Having said that, I dont always go byare after: slow pitch jigs, sliders (Kabura), slow jigs what the sounder says. It may look barren(inchiku), micro jigs and the slim, quick dropping jigs.10FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2021'