b'HYDRATION & FOOD Uni knots to FG knots, learn at leastespecially if you see others catching Second, hydrate! For me, I love coffee.one when you are starting out and trymore. In fishing though, it doesnt matter I can imagine myself being an absoluteto master it especially when the biteshow expensive or how good-looking handful without it. Dont forget toare good as your fishing partner willyour lures or baits are. More often than grab some on the way to the marina.be busy catching at these times too.not, its the technique that catches the With the heat and all that reeling, alsoInvest in a rod and reel combo thatfish, plus a whole lot of patience!pack a cold drink or water as it willworks for you. This doesnt mean youThe first style that I have learnt to use save your sanity, including the sanityhave to get the most expensive one.was sliders (kaburas). They are amazingly of anyone thats with you. Remember, expensive doesnt alwayseasy to use, and they can attract any Who doesnt love snacks? There willequal the best. This also goes for thefish. Ive even caught a kingfish using be days that fishing is just too fun, andmost popular and the newest set thatthem once. The first thing I did was they just keep coming in, youll thinkcomes out. Sometimes what mattersobserve what it does underwater, what you wont have time to eat. There willmost is which combo you can work bestit does when I wind, and what it does also be days that there is absolutelyand take it from there. Youll surpriseif I just tug on the line. I even observed nothing else to do at sea but eat. Foryourself with how many times you canhow it falls in the water. This gave me both times, trust me, snacks come inout fish people whove done it for agesan idea of what I could do to make the handy and provide energy. Theyreby just doing what you do and knowlure look more appetizing for the fish. also handy when eating them on thebest, no matter how simple it is.Long enough for them to nibble until long drive back home! Lastly, get to know the best techniquethey get to the hook and then, fish on! that works for you. Wherever youRemember to wind, and dont let the tip PREP & GEAR go and whatever you do, stick to itof the rod stay straight up because fish Later, in your down time at home,for a while until you are confident toare strong and tend to put up a fight to learn how to tie your own knots.learn a new one. It is very tempting totry and get off the hook.I have learnt There are all different sorts from thejump from one technique to another,that the hard way.FIGZThe challenge of hard fighting fish such as kingfish appeals to Mary.Josh Loader introduced Mary to fishing and they have been on many trips over the past 4 years. /FISHINGINGODZONE55'